Monday, May 21, 2012

Authority vs. Influence pt.1 "Like Mike"

If there was one single thing that needed to be named as the most critical in what shapes a person, there would no doubt be a fierce battle for what would be deemed as the most highly significant.There are many things that a person encounters in the human experience that play a large role in shaping that individual. All of these things are continually shaping us; our values, our beliefs, our worldview and outlook on what part we play on this blue and green sphere as it continues to spin around the sun.

Arts & Entertainment (aka Celebration)

I just finished attending an amazing gathering where I was provoked and challenged to dig deep into how all of these influence and shape our societies. Some very bright people have contributed into clarifying how these 7 areas mold us as people. No matter how small or large the societies we live in, each of these areas are represented as critical areas of how a person views himself as well as the people and the world around them.

Some of these spheres shape us purely out of an authoritative lens. We see ourselves and the world around us a certain way through certain spheres because certain spheres demand that we do. The area of government fits into this more so than the rest. Our governments create laws and regulations that create boundaries that are meant to protect and care for its people. When someone steps out of these boundaries, government by its very nature needs to exercise their authority to maintain and preserve order. People view themselves and others through this sphere in very black and white terms. This is its designated purpose.

US Capitol Building (Directive Authority)

Some of these spheres effect us entirely based on influence. On the far other extreme from government, arts and entertainment shape our societies 100% by influencing us through our appreciation of more abstract and less authoritative mediums. Musicians, artists, authors, actors and athletes largely shape the way we see the world as individuals, often even much broader than us as individuals though.  They shape our families, towns, cities... even as far as nationally and internationally.

Authority vs. Influence

A good way to polarize the difference between these two spheres is to use the example of the abuse of drugs and alcohol by young people and how each one addresses the issue. Government can set up strict laws, codes, regulations, curfews, bans, penalties, campaigns and hundreds of other initiatives to try and keep its societies young people far from such destructive substances. These initiatives can rise and fall due to a vast number of different and broad factors, but at the end of the day when the boundary is breached, government exerts its authority as a means to contain and manage more so than to actually prevent. 

People can be presented with a number of warnings and communication to not do drugs but when they do, a strong government ensures that its societies members see that there are consequences.The punishment and execution of authority here shapes the way a person thinks about whether or not they will abuse drugs and alcohol. This can be done in both just and unjust ways but nonetheless, government relies nearly entirely on its domain of authority versus its influence.

Now, take a famous athlete like Michael Jordan. At the peak of his domination in the sport of basketball hundreds of millions of people across the US and all over the world could recognize his face regardless if they liked basketball or not. His influence was and is still to this day enormous. He is the greatest to ever play and many might argue that ever will. His influence stems entirely by his ability to run fast, jump high and put a rubber ball into a net ten feet off the ground. He has close to zero authority to enforce or ensure that young people don't do drugs. He can't put handcuffs on anyone or throw anyone into the slammer. However, when Michael Jordan gets on T.V. and speaks to young people to follow their dreams and stay away from drugs...The outcome here is mind boggling. 

Millions of people will listen not because they have to, but because they see his accomplishments and respect his position based on what he's done with his life. They are heavily influenced to stay away from crack not because they are forced to stay away from crack, but because they too want to be like Mike. (please do yourself a favor and search on youtube for the song "Like Mike". It's an absolute classic)

Who wouldn't want to be like this guy?!?!?!
The point here isn’t to try and compare the two and pick which one is superior. The point is to recognize that all seven are fundamental and that all seven play a critical role. It’s hard to imagine wanting to be like a Government office and it’s easy to imagine wanting to be like Mike. One doesn’t trump the other and in fact I  believe that God has every intention for each sphere to thrive according to Kingdom values and principles. Stay tuned for more thoughts on some of the other spheres soon.

Pt. 2 Coming soon: The equal domain of Authority and Influence in Family