Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Best of 2011

What a year that was!!! I was stretched, challenged, overwhelmed with friendship and blown away by the opportunities God put before me. Big year personally and just as equally massive was the amount of quality things I read,watched and listened to. Here is a list of the top things that impacted me last year. Not all were necessarily released in 2011, but were possibly things I finally got my hands on last year.

Where to even begin. HUGE year for mind-blowing music. I will attempt to keep the list small and labor on what's so amazing about the albums I've chosen.

#1 Album of 2011

'Bon Iver' by Bon Iver

Simply put... I'm not sure if I've ever heard a more beautiful piece of music in my short time on this planet. The composition of the melodies and wide range of instruments matched with Justin Vernon's insanely unique tone and range vocally... it just really can't be beaten. The only minor lack ( and I mean extremely minor) would be lyrical content. It's not drab or low quality, it's a little transcendent at times. If transcendent is a word that works here? I wouldn't say that when I listen to the album ( which honestly must of been upward of multiple hundreds of times) I connected strongly with the message of the song and would even go as far to say that most songs are so artsy and personal that a clear message is not easy to be defined. Nonetheless this gets my pick as best album of the year.

#2 Album of 2011

'Stuck in the city' by Brandon Reid

You've probably never heard of this guy unless you are a YWAM Newcastle affiliate of the last 2 years. To say he deserves your listening ear would be the biggest understatement of 2011. He was a distant friend of my buddy Jeremy Earnshaw who passed away in 2008. Hailing from Fairbanks, Brandon strolled through our community in 2010 after Jeremy's parents informed us that he was hitch hiking around oz looking for couches to sleep on. One of the strangest and eccentric dudes I've met in a while for sure, I still to this day have never seen a pair of shoes on his feet. Nonetheless, the guy is an absolute song-writing genius!!! This album came out late in the year and it completely blew my mind. The blend of americana and his INSANELY clear melodic voice, coupled with his ability to write lyrics that make you feel like you actually want to live in the Old West and start a farm provides the most surprising album I've ever listened to. The only way to describe how much I've enjoyed this album is to use the word obsessive, it got to the point that if I didn't listen to it for more than a day or two I started feeling withdrawls.

#3 Album of 2011

'Major/Minor' by Thrice

Thrice has cemented themselves as pretty much my super band. Nearly untouchable in being the most well rounded and progressive group I've even listened to. This album may not be their masterpiece (which is nearly impossible to say that any one of their previous ones can be decided upon as one as well) but would get my vote for most complete lyrical work by Dustin Kensrue thus far. ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWINGLY PENETRATING LYRICS. From the opening line to the closing one, this album wreaks of literary genius. The music is also exquisite.

#4 Album of 2011

'El camino' by The Black Keys

ROCK n ROLL lives on! Their previous record 'Brothers' was arguably the best piece of modern rock and roll I had ever listened to. Though this album barely snuck it's way into 2011 it completely deserves the title of best rock and roll album of 2011. Wildly imaginative guitar riffs and ridiculously catchy lyrics and melodies. I can't get enough of this album, it truly is rock and roll magic.

#5 Album of 2011

'Mylo Xyloto' by Coldplay

How could a new Coldplay album not make my top 5? Immediately from the opening track 'Hurts like heaven' you can tell that something new is afoot from the kings of modern alternative rock. The major addition of heavy synth was not loved by all fans, but I found it totally acceptable and even welcome. The first 5 songs of the album are almost complete in and of themselves with ' Us against the world' landing itself in my top 5 Coldplay songs of all time.

Honorable mentions:
'Pala' by Friendly Fires: Pure dance/pop bliss
'21' by Adele: Best Female vocalist around at the moment IMO
'Signs of life EP' by Edge Kingsland: potentially best worship EP i've ever had
'Space face' by Margo May: Old friend through YWAM, Kansas City melody queen
'Little Hell' by City and Color: Dallas Green is the king of beautiful melodies


I've fallen more and more in love with reading over the past 5 years or so. I read a few great books this last year.

#1 book of 2011

'A million miles in a thousand years' by Donald Miller

Simply breathtaking storytelling. Donald Miller has emerged as my biggest inspiration in how to weave heartfelt honestly and vulnerability with natural unforced humor. This book challenged me thoroughly to want to wake up and make everyday count. The premise is simple but thoroughly profound and impacting to anyone who would pick it up and give it a real read. I dare you to read this and not dream about how you can change the world.

#2 book of 2011

'Life together' by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This one barely snuck into 2011 for me. I still technically haven't finished it. I got it as a Christmas present and immediately dug deep into the amazing insight and clarity on what it looks like to function in community in a way that goes beyond mere appreciation. Bonhoeffer is the guru of presenting, in excruciating detail, the scriptural truth in a way that penetrates through cultural and seasonal confusion. If you are apart of, have been apart of or ever plan to be apart of a community that you want Jesus to use in a healthy and powerful way, this book is a must read.

# 3 book of 2011

'Fast Food Nation' by Eric Schlosser

I know this book came out many years ago, I finally got around to reading it in 2011. Witty, shocking and honest. Highly impacting read. It didn't feel preachy and never felt like it watered down the message in order to keep my attention. I'm slowly becoming someone who actually desires to eat healthy and steward my body in a way that God intends for me to. This book has been highly motivating in that regard.

I consider myself a movie enthusiast. While heavy dramas would definitely get my pick as preferred watching I would definitely say I still appreciate a wide variety of other categories of film. Really I love almost all genres bar Romantic/Comedies, I could go the rest of my life without ever sitting through another 'Hitch' or 'Sweet home alabama'. Luckily 2011 cranked out quality in other areas.

#1 movie of 2011

'Trust' directed by David Schwimmer

Probably the sickest I've ever felt in a movie. The shocking reality of online communication and the naivety of both young people and their parents are mercilessly exposed in this painful movie. Impeccable acting and an uncompromising storyline, this film delivers a major wake up call to those who see mainstream media and advertising as unimportant or trivial. Some found it too graphic and harsh, but I left this film feeling a major dose of the Father's love/agony for his children. Bringing the truth into the light isn't always simple, but this film gives one of todays most slippery areas a major kick in the pants.

#2 movie of 2011

'Super 8' directed by J.J. Abrams

I became a sold out J.J. fan almost 8 years ago when 'Lost' completely consumed my appreciation for modern television programming. Super 8 is the perfect blend of suspense, action, humor and heartfelt character dialog. It was the 'Goonies' meets 'Jurassic Park' in some ways for me, blending brilliant teenage boy dialog with gripping in your face action sequences. The train crash sequence was absolutely perfect.

#3 movie of 2011

'Bridesmaids' directed by Paul Feig

Guilty pleasure. Highly offensive to many,understandably so. This movie was a classic Lujan family comedy. Kristen Wiig is an absolute genius performer to me, and this movie cements her as a genuine leading character. I found myself laughing painfully hard many, many times with Melissa McCarthy's performance going down as one of my favorite quirky characters since Galifnakis in 'The Hangover'.

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