Friday, March 16, 2012

Kony and the narrow way

The viral campaign #KONY2012 launched by Invisible Children has created an unprecedented amount of online buzz and with that buzz has also come a stack of controversy. I needed to take a moment to step back, take a deep breath and really ask God what was going to be of any benefit of me writing yet another blog about this exciting and somewhat complicated moment in modern communication history. I am going to write a few thoughts out and try my best to convey a clear sense of hope, direction and balance from what God is highlighting to me as important things surrounding this highly significant and very important current event.

Whether you are follower of Jesus or not, these thoughts may or may not be of any assistance to you. Please hear my heart from the get go though;

I in NO WAY, shape or form, desire to offend, slander, marginalize or demean ANYONE.

With that being said I wish to present to you that I do believe with absolute confidence that the way of Jesus of Nazareth is supreme. That his way is above all else, whole, certain and infinitely greater than any campaign that will ever exist.

One of the most simple and frustrating things Christians believe in is that the work of Jesus is the ONE and ONLY thing that will bring any kind of real and sustainable change in the world.

Let's be honest with that for a second. This is an incredibly naive and incredibly narrow way of looking at the world .Their are no two ways about it. If you believe that Jesus was born in a manger, that he lived a perfect and blameless life, that he died on a sinners cross and then to top it all of came back to life... if you believe any of this and any of the other things the gospels tell us about him, you are automatically putting yourself in a very tricky position. When you take on these beliefs they must affect what you believe about, and how you respond to literally everything else in life.

Jesus' way is a narrow way. It's a simple way and it's an all encompassing way. This is what I'm trying to remind myself right now.

This is easy to forget as I click on the numerous blogs criticizing the KONY 2012 movement. Its also easy to forget as I watch any of the beautifully made Invisible Children films over the past few years. Both of these mediums honestly cause me to feel very angry. Angry at injustice on one hand and angry at, what I feel in a moment of frustration, seemingly bitter and overly critical people.

Jesus responded to shockingly similar things to what we are currently responding to in this current debacle. He responded in compassion to those who were being overlooked and oppressed and he also responded in anger to religious pride, arrogance or any other form of seemingly unrighteous judgement. Not only did he respond to these things but more importantly was HOW he responded.

Jesus models a two handed approach of: GRACE and TRUTH

I see this model being outworked in one never trumping the other, but more one making room for the other. The truth is we all deserve death, every single one of us is guilty of something. Paul tells us that the consequences are the same for all of us and that there is no sliding scale on how good or bad anyone of us are. No small bad or large evil determines anymore the TRUTH of what really is due to every single one of us.

I, Stevie Lujan am guilty of crimes against humanity. I deserve to be punished and I personally don't deserve anything less than that of anyone else on the planet.

Joseph Kony is guilty of crimes against humanity. He deserves to be punished and he doesn't deserve this any less than that of anyone else on the planet.

Now, the beauty of Jesus is that he allows GRACE to impact us in such a way where the TRUTH doesn't become secondary or watered down, but it in some mysterious way it illuminates the truth in such a way as to completely set us free. By God showing us his grace by having Jesus hang on a cross we truly understand the weight and the truth of all reality... the truth that we are completely stuffed without Jesus. Grace here is making us aware of the Truth and in essence it is preparing a way for it to really sink in and impact us.

A petty but hopefully helpful example of this in human interaction would be if I told a friend of mine something factual. Let's say the fact is that he smells really bad due to a lack of proper hygiene. Now, me blasting him with the truth in front of a room full of people may not produce any sort of satisfactory outcome in either his scent or more importantly, my relationship with him. I may fix one problem by shaming him into taking showers and wearing deodorant more frequently, but the more likely outcome will be that I've created a much more sinister problem than his odor. By presenting the truth without grace I will in essence fracture our relationship and create a new reality in which his scent is more important to me than who he really is beneath all those smelly clothes.

If I in grace were to find a way to pull him aside and lovingly and sincerely ask him about his hygienic habits and whether or not he is aware of the severity of his scent and possibly go even a step further and buy him my favorite deodorant and ENCOURAGE him, it's a much better bet that both the issue of his odor predicament and our relationship will greatly flourish.

The first option takes little guts and minimal effort. We have the option to just belt out the truth and force the person to take it or leave it.

The other requires great diligence and deliberation. It requires you to believe the best about a person, even at the expense of you feeling a little uncomfortable.I think it's pretty obvious which road Jesus takes with us.

Ok, so with that as a backdrop here are some of my current thoughts on what is going on with the KONY 2012 stuff. I had a whole long list of the actual grievances, criticisms and the responses by Invisible Children listed here, but I found myself being challenged to let people do their own research and to find the blogs and websites themselves. No one should really care what I think about who's more right and wrong because the fact of the matter is we are all WRONG at the end of the day.

We are all dead without the love of Jesus burning within our hearts.

I commend anyone, anywhere who is sincerely aiming to make a difference in this world. I personally believe that without Jesus as the absolute linchpin, that as great as any effort or campaign may be, it will always require the simplest and most profound solution humanity will ever have to really set things straight. I see a lot of Jesus in Invisible Children. I see a group of people responding to injustice with great passion and vigor and busting a gut to rope in as many people as possible. The accusations that they are naive' and misinformed, to me, is much easier to swallow than accusations of being apathetic and far removed from the millions upon millions of people in our world who are trapped in cycles of hurt, pain and oppression. God will judge our hearts and time will judge our fruit.

We... we will judge our own hearts first and foremost and respond like Jesus did. We will respond in Grace and Truth.

I am praying for Grace and Truth for this campaign.

I am praying for Grace and Truth over Africa.

I am praying for Grace and Truth over affluent western society.

I am praying Grace and Truth over Joseph Kony.

I am praying Grace and Truth over Stevie Lujan.


  1. Stevie, i appreciate you leading with a perspective of grace. I think a lot of people can be hurt or confused right now, even my dad has expressed his thoughts in the last 24 hours about an organization that I've been intimately following for years. At the end of the day we have no fear because we don't put our trust in people. All of our hope for change and life comes from Jesus.

  2. Kasey russell? I'm guessing this is you? Love and miss you guys incredibly. Thanks for commenting.

  3. "I commend anyone, anywhere who is sincerely aiming to make a difference in this world. I personally believe that without Jesus as the absolute linchpin, that as great as any effort or campaign may be, it will always require the simplest and most profound solution humanity will ever have to really set things straight. I see a lot of Jesus in Invisible Children. I see a group of people responding to injustice with great passion and vigor and busting a gut to rope in as many people as possible. The accusations that they are naive' and misinformed, to me, is much easier to swallow than accusations of being apathetic and far removed from the millions upon millions of people in our world who are trapped in cycles of hurt, pain and oppression. God will judge our hearts and time will judge our fruit."
    Well said.
